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Job Match Score

Understanding the Job Match Score while tailoring your Resume for Saved Jobs within Huntr.

Updated this week

The Job Match score is a tool that is available to all users, with additional keyword and match score access for Pro Plan users. Once a job has been added to the Job Tracker and a Base Resume has been created, you have the ability to compare your resume to the saved job description.

Ideally, a Job Match Score of 79-90 is best. Using the tools and suggestions from the Job Match Score Editor will allow you to tailor your resume to each job.

The Job Match Score is broken down into 5 categories to support you in making adjustments to your resume. Clicking each + drop down will display suggested changes and additions.

  1. Job Post Analysis: Provides a quick view of the job description that has been saved. This will allow you to review the description as needed to include specific details outlined in the job description.

  2. Keyword Match: A full list the saved keywords that can be used in your resume. ATS software and Recruiters will review resumes for keywords and applicable skills. This helps them determine if your experience is well suited for the role.

  3. Job Title Match: Adding the Job Title to your Resume allows ATS Software to pass the initial screening of your Resume. You will see suggested Job Titles and a score of 0 if your title does not match or reflects a similar title.

  4. Qualifications Match: For every qualification, Huntr checks if your resume includes matching phrases or relevant details. Each qualification is given a 'coverage score' based on how well your resume aligns with the job description.

  5. Responsibilities Match: Huntr will check if your resume includes matching phrases or relevant details. Each responsibility is given a 'coverage score' based on how well your resume aligns with the job description.

Improving Your Job Match Score

Keyword Match

  1. Expand the Keyword Match menu

  2. Select Keyword you're looking to incorporate into your resume.

  3. Choose where you would like to place the keyword.

    • Add as Skill moves directly to Skills

    • Add to Summary will allow you to edit your summary to include this keyword, or use the AI generate to write the Summary/About section including this keyword.

    • Add to Experience allows you to add this keyword to the achievements within your job experience.

    • Add to Education allows you to add the keyword to your listed education.

Low Qualifications & Responsibilities Match

Huntr will identify Qualifications and Responsibilities from the Job Description. Click Improve to incorporate these items into your resume.

  1. Clicking Improve will display a new menu.

  2. Review which Achievements best match the Qualification or Responsibility. This will ensure these are being added to the most applicable achievement.

  3. Choose to generate a new AI Summary or Achievement to incorporate into your Work Experience or Projects.

AI Generations

When choosing to generate with AI, you are requesting Huntr to create a achievement for your Work Experience or Projects. You will be presented multiple options that can be added to your resume. Select one by clicking the tile the achievement is in.

If you would like to adjust the text you can do so by typing directly into the text box, then click Save. If you are happy with the generated Achievement, click Save

Ignore / Unignore

Some Qualifications and Responsibilities may not be applicable to your resume. You have the ability to Ignore these suggestions so they no longer impact the score.

Any ignored items will relocate to the bottom of the sidebar. You can also choose to Unignore them to use them again if needed.

High Qualifications & Responsibilities Match

Some Responsibilities and Qualifications will have high quality and can still be edited or ignored if you feel they are not applicable to your resume.

To edit the Qualification or Responsibility click Review. You will be able to adjust the text to include or remove any information you see as relevant. You will also be able to choose to regenerate the text with AI to include in your resume.

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